What is the process of setting up my organization with QuantHub?

Explore the basic roadmap for onboarding your organization.

Determine Which Teams and Users Will Use the Platform

Will this start as a pilot, or will it be launched across an organization or team? Will accounts be managed manually or via single sign-on?

💬 Discussion: Pros and cons of which teams and learners to include.

☑️ Action Item: Client to decide and provide a list with names and e-mails, or connect QuantHub with person in charge of configuring SSO on client side. 

Determine Levels and Skills

Levels might be direct correlations with job titles, (e.g., “Data analyst 1” or “Call Center Manager”) or with bundles of capabilities (e.g., “Data Citizen” or “Data Storyteller”) that are more synonymous with general job type.

💬 Discussion: Are the levels sequential (e.g., you must complete Data Citizen before progressing to Data Storyteller) or can they be chosen at will? 

☑️ Action Item: Review the QuantHub Skills worksheet and determine which skills and roles will be activated. 

Optional: Skill Analysis

The skill analysis is a great way to establish the baseline of the employees in your organization. From this data, you can see where everyone's strengths and weaknesses lie. From this baseline data, you can pair team members up to complete future projects–filling the gaps between their skillsets!

We typically recommend selecting a smaller subset of skills for the skill analysis (e.g., 10)

💬 Discussion: Do you want to require skill analyses before learners begin? Make it optional? Skip altogether? 

☑️ Action Item: Determine optionality of skill analysis; select which skills to test.

Assign Admin, Managers, & Learners

Click here to learn how to establish who will have Admin, Manager, or Learner access. You can also create teams and group users.

Conduct Launch Event

Organizations that have the highest engagement in our data fluency program start by designating a concrete set of time for this to be a highlighted activity and priority (e.g., “Data Fluency Month”). To kick this off, we recommend hosting a webinar to instill the importance of data fluency, introduce QuantHub, provide a brief demo, and encourage/excite the team to jump in and engage.

Additionally, we recommend a check-in call after a month, or set period of time, to highlight early successes, address any challenges, and compare points/leaderboard success to recognize top learners.

💬 Discussion: Are we going to require usage or make it optional? Will this tie into broader organizational goals, or employee goals? Can we offer any fun incentives to up the ante for participants?

☑️ Action Item: Required or optional; rewards/incentives to be offered; deadlines for participation; check-in meeting date/details.

Post Launch Follow-up

QuantHub typically conducts two focus groups after the initial sprint is complete. The first is held with top performers, and the second with those who never engaged, or used the platform the least. During these conversations, we seek to better understand opportunities for improvement as well as capture success stories that can be used to gain broader engagement across the enterprise.

💬 Discussion: Do we want to host focus groups? Who all from leadership will participate in those?

☑️ Action Item: Select which participants to invite and schedule calls. 


Everything is now complete! Enjoy your organization's path to data fluency. Along the way, you can track everyone's progress in the Insights dashboard; learn more here.


If you have any remaining questions about the onboarding process or are experiencing issues, please contact support@quanthub.com or visit our help center, https://support.quanthub.com/knowledge.