How do I create a skill analysis with an open invitation code?

Learn how to distribute skill analyses with an open invite code.

QuantHub's open invitation feature broadens accessibility for skill analyses, making it especially useful in scenarios like campus recruiting. Skill analyses proctors/admin can now share an invite code widely, allowing candidates to easily participate in assessments with just their name and email, streamlining the talent acquisition and testing process.

How to Create an Open Invite Skill Analysis (if not created yet)

  1. From the main dashboard, navigate to the dropdown menu in the top right-hand corner. Click on the section "Skill analyses." 
  2. Click "Add skill analysis." 
  3. Check the box labeled "Allow anyone to redeem the invitation code."
  4. Click "Continue" and proceed making the skill analysis.

How to Edit an Existing Skill Analysis to Be Open Invite

  1. From the main dashboard, navigate to the dropdown menu in the top right-hand corner. Click on the section "Skill analyses."
  2. Click on the skill analysis you want to make open invite.
  3. Click "Edit."
  4. Check the box labeled "Allow anyone to redeem the invitation code."
  5. Click "Update skill analysis."

Navigate to our documentation on "How do I send a skill analysis?" and "What is a skill analysis?" to learn more.


If you've followed these steps and are still experiencing issues, please reach out to