How can I make a skill analysis visible to specific managers?

Learn how to share skill analyses results with specified managers in your organization.

The managers in your organization will by default not have the same admin access to all skill analyses sent out, enabling for tailored control.

To share access to specific skill analyses, follow these steps:

If the skill analysis is new...

If you are unfamiliar with what a skill analysis is, click here to learn more.

  1. From your main dashboard, click on "Skill analyses" from the dropdown menu in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Click "Add skill analysis."
  3. Add in the skills you would like to assess for and click "Continue" found at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Under the section, "Permissions," select the owner and team you would like to share the skill analysis with. Then click "Update skill analysis."

If you don't see the desired owner or team listed, you will need to update these. To learn how, click here.


If the skill analysis has already been created...

  1. From your main dashboard, click on "Skill analyses" from the dropdown menu in the top right-hand corner. 
  2. Click on the skill analysis you want to share access to.
  3. Click "Edit."
  4. Under the section, "Permissions," select the owner and team you would like to share the skill analysis with. Then click "Update skill analysis."

If you don't see the desired owner or team listed, you will need to update these. To learn how, click here.


If you've followed these steps and are still experiencing issues, please reach out to .