What are the different activity types?

Learn the difference between study activities, scavenger hunts, reviews, and skill checks.

Study Activities

Skills are building blocks for accomplishing a task in real life. Assign skills to your students and watch as they progress with self-paced, adaptive instruction. Students can learn either by clicking "Master this skill" or by clicking on the three dots to view resources available to study.

Scavenger Hunts

These short learning activities help students work toward skill mastery while focusing their attention on a specific concept. Use these targeted activities as bellringers to introduce a new unit or use them as a springboard for whole group discussion. QuantHub resources often have Case Studies at the end of each resource that serve as excellent discussion starters. 

Click on "Assignment" next to a resource to copy a link to a specific resource-centered activity, known as Scavenger Hunts. From here, you can distribute these links, or assignments, for students to complete.

To learn where Scavenger Hunts are located and how they can be used for group activities, click here .


When it's been some time since a learner has mastered a skill, a review will be prompted on the main dashboard. There will be the skill with "Review past due" underneath. To review the skill, the user will simply click "Review this skill" and answer three questions correctly in under three minutes to keep their skill mastery. 

If all three lives are lost or time runs out, skill mastery will be lost!

Skill Checks

Skill checks offer the learner to test out of skills they feel they already know, allowing them to skip the normal route of answering a lot of study activities to reach skill mastery.

To complete a skill check, or test out, hover your mouse over the three dots next to the skill name.

To successfully test out you will have to answer three questions correctly in three minutes. If you get any question wrong, the test will end and you will have to master the skill by completing study activities.

Note: You have once chance to test out, if you are unsuccessful you will not have the opportunity to test out again.