What are Neurons?

Learn what Neurons are, how they're measured, and where they can be found.

What Are Neurons?

Why Do Neuron Counts Vary Across Questions?

Where Are My Neurons?

What Are Neurons?

Neurons are points earned with correct or partially correct answers to questions in all assessment and study activities within the QuantHub Upskill learning platform.52 neurons earned after a study activity.

Why Do Neuron Counts Vary Across Questions?

The number of neurons that can be earned is based on the difficulty of the question. Answering a question correctly will award the learner with up to 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 neurons, depending on the difficulty of the question.

We leverage Bloom’s Taxonomy to guide the difficulty rating for each question. For instance, a simple identification or definition question would have a difficulty rating of 1 with up to 10 neurons awarded. A very complex question requiring an application of judgment and knowledge would have a difficulty rating of 5 with up to 50 neurons awarded.

Where Are My Neurons?

Find your leaderboard neuron count in the top right corner. Find your cumulative neuron count in the Activity dashboard.

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