How do I create or edit classes using a course code?

Create your class and student accounts with a click of a button, allowing students to begin learning in under 2 minutes!


1. From the dashboard, scroll over your profile picture and select "Insights" from the dropdown menu.

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2. Select the Classes Tab and click on the "Add class" button in the top right.

*If you are looking to edit a class, select the edit button to the far right of the class.  This allows you to change the class name or remove students from a class!

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3. To create a new class.  All you need is to add a class name and select add class. This name must be unique in your school! No two classes can hold the same name in a school. 

*Best practice would be a combination of teacher or subject name and class period (Ex: Smith's 1st block)

4. Once you have added your class, click on "Class Code" to the right of the class name.

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5. To share the invitation code with your students, copy the code by selecting the copy button and share that link using your standard classroom practice.

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6. Once the link has been selected by the students, they will be prompted to provide their name and school email.  Then they select "join class" in the bottom right corner.

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7. If this is the first time a student is joining a class, they will be prompted to create an account.  They will need to create their password. 

*This is the only information that will be required for students to fill out.  Students do not need to provide personal email addresses or phone numbers. This information is only needed for account recovery purposes. 

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8. If a student already has an account with QuantHub, they will be logged in and automatically added to your class. 

9. To see your students join your class and to edit/remove students in your class, simply return to your "Classes" tab and click "Edit" next to a class. 

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If you've followed these steps and are still experiencing issues, please reach out to